Overcoming Underearning
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Fear Got You Stuck??

“Do what you fear because that’s how you grow.” ~~Barbara Stanny

Whenever I feel stuck, I always ask myself the same question: “What am I most afraid to do?” I rarely like the answer. But I know it’s my ticket to success.

Because success always lies just outside our comfort zone. When you tackle what terrifies you, miracles occur, dreams come true, our confidence soars.

It’s the one act that separates High Earners from Underearners—a life of joy from one of quiet desperation.

As a result, you will notice two things happening…guaranteed.

  1. The closer you get to what you fear, it’s never as scary as you expect.
  2. There’s a direct correlation between the level of fear you feel and the amount of power awaiting you on the other side.

So, I ask you: What are you most afraid to do?

Now go do it.

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at: www.barbarastanny.com

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Let the Truth Be Told

I constantly get this question.

“I want to make more money. Where do I begin?”

My response usually comes as a surprise.
“Begin by admitting what’s not working in your life,” I say.

They look puzzled.

“There’s tremendous power in telling the truth,” I explain. “I noticed, in interviews with former underearners, that their financial achievement was often preceded by a financial or personal challenge.”

Problems have a purpose. They are there to get our attention.

Until you stop denying, or diminishing, your difficulties, you can’t possibly do anything differently.

Your first peek at the truth may evoke temporary panic. Rest assured, situations can rapidly improve once you take off the blindfold.

If you’re ready to see the truth, I’d love you to join me at my last LIVE Overcoming Underearning Webinar Course beginning April 4th.

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If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at: www.barbarastanny.com


Financial Problems? Make Them Your Friend.

If financial success has been illusive, take a tip from high earners. Their financial achievements are often preceded by a financial challenge. It was by finally facing the problem, head on, that they cleared the path to success.

A financial challenge could be anything from a gnawing sense something’s wrong to the gut wrenching pain of staggering debt.

Here’s what you need to understand. Financial problems are rarely about money. They are, more likely, the call of your soul trying to get your attention. What begins as a whisper, if ignored, will grow increasingly louder.

Instead of viewing the challenges as a curse, high earners saw every problem as a powerful opportunity for personal transformation.

Confronting and solving a financial challenge enabled them to walk through the door between the mediocre life they were living and the powerful life they could be creating.

There is no magic bullet for solving a financial challenge. Nor would you want one. It is the process that empowers.

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at: www.barbarastanny.com

Women Eating

What do Money & Food Have in Common?

I’ve long noticed that women who have problems with money often have problems with food.

Then I read Geneen Roth’s extraordinary book, Women Food and God, a New York Time’s bestseller. She confirmed my suspicion. I’ve never met Geneen personally, but I consider her a kindred spirit.
She insists that food is never the problem, just as I know problems with money are never about money.

Rather, says Geneen, overeating is “a doorway to your true nature,” echoing my belief that “financial problems are a doorway to your true power.”
Roth’s book, like my Sacred Success®, is based on her own unhealthy relationship with food and her experience teaching others what she learned during her weekend retreats.  Her method of healing women’s relationship with food, similar to mine, mixes a hefty dose of spirituality with practical action and emotional transparency.
The key to success is not to focus exclusively on dieting…or budgeting.  Instead, success comes from following a process that includes self-awareness exercises and specific practices to help women step into their power and overcome the urge to self-sabotage and other compulsive behaviors, like chronic busyness, over eating, binge spending.
In fact, my favorite quote of all time is a quote from Geneen which I saw on Facebook: “The only people who don’t have insane relationships with money are those who were willing to examine their insane relationship with money.”

Gosh, I wish I had said that!

If you enjoyed these “Words of Wealth”, head over to my website and sign-up for my FREE weekly newsletter at: www.barbarastanny.com

Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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