By Connecting with Others, We Flourish—Personally & Financially!

A Virtual Community of Women

Supporting Women!

It’s time to take time for you. Wealth Building isn’t just about the money. It’s about becoming the powerful woman you were meant to be. The #1 reason women don’t invest is lack of confidence. The Wealth Connection is not like any other program out there. It offers coaching, group support, expert advice, and financial education. If you’re ready to become a Financially Savvy Wealth Builder this community is for you.

By having a coach I can go beyond where I can by myself, by sharing in this community and giving and getting feedback, cheering each other on and lending an ear, I can expand who I have known myself to be because conversations don’t only happen in our heads, but also with those around us.

Your membership gives you:

Twice Monthly Live Office Hours with me...

  • Bring your questions and concerns
  • Get coaching and therapy from me and support from other members
  • Experience the 4 Prongs of Wealth Building
    The Outer Work (the practical), The Inner Work (the psychological), The Higher Work (the spiritual), The Deeper Work (mind/brain connection)
  • We meet on Zoom on the First Wednesday and Third Tuesday
    Calls times vary between 10am PT / 1pm ET or 12pm PT / 3pm ET or 2pm PT / 5pm ET.

**Barbara’s regular coaching rate is over $400 per hour—this is an extraordinary opportunity!

Exclusive Private Support Community

  • NOT on Facebook, no-ads, truly private on Mighty Networks
  • Support and accountability from women who are on the path to becoming Savvy & Confident Wealth Builders
  • A safe place to ask questions, share feelings & talk money anytime
  • Hear others share struggles, fears, challenges, and successes
  • Discover helpful tools and resources, hear inspiring stories, and be reminded that we, as women, have so much to share with each other.

NEW FEATURE! Course Conversations

Monthly gatherings dedicated to discussing A Course in Miracles and other sacred teachings. Offering a deeper dive into your Spirituality to discover how much power you have to create the life (and the wealth) you desire.

Monthly Group calls with Guest Experts...

A wide range of Experts are chosen by me and this community! Topics are requested and I handpick guests that I know are experts in their field. These calls start with content and always have plenty of time for Q&A.

Some Past Guests: Authors, Advisors, Financial Planners, Insurance Specialists, Accountants, Real Estate Investors, EFT (tapping) Experts, Sales & Marketing Strategists, Holistic Investing, Trauma Therapists, and more!

Pop-Up Mini Classes

Occasionally I host a mini-class on various topics and take your questions! Examples of these mini-classes are: Overcoming Underearning, A Course in Miracles, and Setting Your Intentions.

The Way to Wealth

A personal map taking you through the 7 stages of wealth.  This self-study guide offers a structured approach to wealth building, breaking down the process into bite size pieces, eliminating overwhelm, giving you a starting point and a finish line.


Exclusive access to:

  • My webinar Wealth Building 101: Investing Made Simple…Very, Very Simple
  • And audio-courses Rewire 101 and 5 Lessons to Becoming a High Earner

Guided Meditations & Visualizations

To go deeper into your financial journey, you get access to my ebooks, various exercises and my book recommendations.

Wealth Building Tools & Resources

Vetted and reliable tools and resources I recommend and use.

Also Included...

Barbara's Book Club...

  • Quarterly book club discussions featuring Barbara’s Books and other favorite financial books (with possible guest appearances by authors)

Additional Support

  • Single private sessions with me are available
  • Exclusive access to vetted, reliable coaches and professionals, even my personal bookkeeper!


Members get 20% off Barbara’s programs and events!

**Enrollment is Currently Closed.*

Monthly Access

Only $47 per month

Everything The Wealth Connection has to offer plus the option to add private Financial Therapy sessions with Barbara—the only way to work privately with Barbara at this time is through TWC.

Invest in yourself—membership is less than your daily coffee!

TWC + Coaching

Only $1,397

Six-Month Access PLUS six 30-minute private coaching sessions with Barbara once a month for six-months!

This is an extraordinary value—30-minute coaching sessions alone are valued at $225 and only available to Wealth Connection members!



Yearly Access

Only $470/12-Month Access

12-Month Membership for the price of 10—2-months FREE

You owe this to yourself!


Barbara Huson is the bomb, the deal, and the holy grail of financial sanity and security for women.

Her work has transformed my relationship with money and my ideas around wealth. By working with her I know where my money is, what it’s being spent on, what I’m investing in, and how to make decisions from a place of knowledge. The fear I used to carry about money has completely shifted. That’s a really, really, really big deal…and she can do the same for you.

90% of women manage the financial decisions for their households. But there’s more to it than balancing a checkbook.

Don’t wait, begin your journey to affluence today!

Add Me To The Waitlist!

If it has Barbara Huson’s name on it, just invest in it, don’t question it.

It will be the best decision you ever made to change your relationship with money. Barbara’s work has shifted my mindset, removed blocks from my money path, and working together with her, challenged me to step our of hiding and into the light of who I really am.

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Site Development Alchemy + Aim