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Financial Miracles or Financial Misery? A Metafiscal Solution.

I spent much of my adult life in financial misery. Even as I learned more about money, I still felt out of control. Then everything changed.

The solution didn’t come from a financial text, but a spiritual one, A Course in Miracles.

From the Course I learned that we have “two thought systems” or two distinct “voices” in our head:

  • The voice of Fear (the Ego).
  • And the voice of Love (the Soul).

The Soul and the Ego have conflicting agendas. Thus they produce dramatically different results–either miracles or misery.

You cannot follow two masters,” the Course warns. “There is no compromise between the two.”

My financial life radically shifted as I began to recognize their differing agendas.

The Ego’s job is to keep us safe.  A job it learned very early in life, when our survival depended on getting love, approval, and attention. The Ego is all about instilling fear as a means of self-protection. 

But know this: what helped us survive as a child will suffocate us as an adult.

The Soul’s job is to make sure we soar. The Soul, which gets its marching orders directly from God, pushes us to do what we’re here to do—which is usually way outside our comfort zone.

Up till then, I had no idea my resistance to managing money was my Ego’s misguided effort to protect me.

Mustering up the courage to ignore my Ego and heed my Soul—though terrifying at first—moved me out of misery and into miracles. It will do the same for you. 

Here are 3 steps for plugging into your Soul. They require persistant practice. It’s truly a lifelong challenge.

  1. Observe your feelings. Frustration, tightness, anxiety, fear, inadequacy, needing to control…all signs you’re in Ego (which always speaks first, screams loudest and never shuts up.)
  2. Don’t try to stifle the Ego. That’s part of its devious plan. The Ego depends on distractions such as busyness & other addictions to prevent you from surrendering to silence.
  3. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, relax. Your Soul, which is quiet but tenacious, needs you to be still and listen. Only in stillness can you make out its muted whispers, its sacred wisdom, its loving guidance.

What’s your practice for plugging into your Soul?

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Comments & Feedback

  • Dionne Thomas

    The key for me is getting still and quiet. When I listen to that small voice that asks what I REALLY want, that’s when I can get to the heart of the matter. My Ego is loud and indignant and seems to thrive off my busyness. So consciously allowing myself quiet time feeds my soul. Prayer and meditation work for me. <3

  • Ellen Levin

    Beautiful Barbara!!!!!!!!! and inspiring………..

    I, too, have found that my true and constant nature is silence……….. stillness. I allow this stillness that I am to guide me. I call it my resting place or abode. It is from here that all happens………….. truly miraculous.

  • Kaye Williams

    Wise words. Thanks Barbara.

  • Nicole

    Dear Barbara,

    Thank you from my heart for these lines. They come as called 😉 I’m a student of the course and I’m not at the beginning yet so much. Just today I received a message regarding a bill that turned out much higher than expected. Immediately fear came to me and thoughts like: “then I can not afford to attend a workshop in two months and you will have quarrels with your partner again”, etc. Now I am at the point where I clearly recognize the two masters and I no longer want to commit myself to fear, but to follow love !!

    Whatever that means….. 😉

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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