I’m about to take a sharp right turn. (No, not politically!). A sharp right turn is how my brilliant coach, Ali Brown, describes the process of repositioning a business, of shifting focus, of changing tracks.
I am ready to focus exclusively on women who are on the verge of or have achieved affluence… and the particular challenges and issues that comes with it.
I see so many women with wealth (whether they earn, marry or inherit it), yet no matter how much they have, money remains a source of stress, anxiety and pain. They don’t understand how to manage their assets or use their abundance as a tool for pleasure, healing and transformation.
I yearn to work with women who are committed to be good stewards of their money, heal their pain, make a difference in the world, and proudly claim their power.
I know this is what I’ve been put on earth to do. It’s in my genes. It’s my zone of genius.
However, as Ali explained, “Repositioning requires sacrifice.” I must let go of everything that doesn’t fit my new direction…to make room for what does. I can’t be everything to everyone (as much as I’d like to be).
Sadly, that means letting go of my beloved Monthly Monday Money calls. I adore the candid discussions, the emotional transparency. But our discussions rarely covered the topics I consider my true expertise and passion: wealth building, investing, creating impact and leaving a legacy.
So come December, I’ll be passing the baton to my mentor, Karen McCall, a pioneer in financial recovery. The monthly calls and Facebook page will continue, but Karen will be at the helm. There is no one better to respond to your questions about creating a budget, getting out of debt, healing deprivation, and tackling the root causes of money problems. To those who listen, I’m confident I’m leaving you in good hands.
I’m also taking a partial sabbatical. Next year, I’ll no longer be teaching classes to concentrate on coaching, my new mentorship program and continue exploring what’s next. My sharp right turn is a work in progress.
Stay tuned. More big changes are afoot.
Tell me, what have you sacrificed so something better could show up in your life?
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