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Big Changes (and Sadly, Sacrifices) are Afoot…

I’m about to take a sharp right turn. (No, not politically!). A sharp right turn is how my brilliant coach, Ali Brown, describes the process of repositioning a business, of shifting focus, of changing tracks.

I am ready to focus exclusively on women who are on the verge of or have achieved affluence… and the particular challenges and issues that comes with it. 

I see so many women with wealth (whether they earn, marry or inherit it), yet no matter how much they have, money remains a source of stress, anxiety and pain. They don’t understand how to manage their assets or use their abundance as a tool for pleasure, healing and transformation. 

I yearn to work with women who are committed to be good stewards of their money, heal their pain, make a difference in the world, and proudly claim their power.    

I know this is what I’ve been put on earth to do. It’s in my genes. It’s my zone of genius. 

However, as Ali explained, “Repositioning requires sacrifice.”  I must let go of everything that doesn’t fit my new direction…to make room for what does.  I can’t be everything to everyone (as much as I’d like to be).

Sadly, that means letting go of my beloved Monthly Monday Money calls. I adore the candid discussions, the emotional transparency. But our discussions rarely covered the topics I consider my true expertise and passion: wealth building, investing, creating impact and leaving a legacy.

So come December, I’ll be passing the baton to my mentor, Karen McCall, a pioneer in financial recovery. The monthly calls and Facebook page will continue, but Karen will be at the helm. There is no one better to respond to your questions about creating a budget, getting out of debt, healing deprivation, and tackling the root causes of money problems. To those who listen, I’m confident I’m leaving you in good hands.

I’m also taking a partial sabbatical. Next year, I’ll no longer be teaching classes to concentrate on coaching, my new mentorship program and continue exploring what’s next.  My sharp right turn is a work in progress. 

Stay tuned. More big changes are afoot.

Tell me, what have you sacrificed so something better could show up in your life?

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Comments & Feedback

  • Emma

    This post was very timely Barbara, I have only just signed up to your newsletter, having recently read “Secrets of 6 Figure Women” as part of my past 18 months or so of working on my money blocks and fear of success/failure.

    I have committed to not taking on any more individual clients for the foreseeable future, to give myself the space and time I need to focus on our money. I plan to finally get everything organised – from spreadsheets to ‘set and forget’ investments, to focus on my several business streams and improving revenue in each area, and to taking a sharp right turn myself and re-orienting my core business over the next three years to give me recurring, relatively passive income AND allow me to forge my legacy by moving from Practitioner to Teacher.

    The biggest block was the self-sabotage of thinking “who do I think I am to take a sabbatical from ‘helping people’ to basically focus on the ‘selfish’ work of simply making money work harder for me? Wow. But with the re-orientation of my business, I get to teach others how to do what I do, and that increases exponentially the amount of people, mainly women, whom I can help. It took a long time to bring it around to this point, but now? There is no argument that stands up against this path. Yeay!

    I wish you so much luck with your new direction and your sabbatical, opening up time and space to allow new and exciting energy to flow into your life, personal and professional.

    • barbara stanny

      Kudos to both of us, Emma, for taking a sabbatical and shifting focus. It took me a full 3 years to get here. I wish you tremendous success. And I genuinely appreciate everything you said!! Thanks for commenting

  • Linda

    I am sacrificing NOW , a lot of my social life and a relaxed retirement to study to become an Integrative Health Coach and begin a prosperous business a t age 68 since I want and need more income to travel and play with. I am not like most of my retired friends hanging out at the gym and having lunch but home studying and doing coursework . I have finally found my right livelihood after 30 years in Education and stress.

    • Melissa Carter

      Linda, how wonderful you’re doing the integrative health path! I know a few people who are pursuing that and they love it–life changing for them and others. And I’m inspired by your comment about finding your right livelihood (and never giving up on finding it!).

    • barbara stanny

      Good for you, Linda! It’s never too late, is it? I think becoming an integrative health practioner is very VERY exciting. Good luck.

  • Melissa Carter

    Barbara, your post is so inspiring! Three cheers for having the courage to do what you’re doing. I’m not there yet–but it’s what I hope to do in the next year. So far, sacrifice has been about working really hard for a decade plus to build my business. Now it’s successful–but I’m tuckered! I’ve been flirting with hiring for several years yet its been challenging (maybe I wasn’t ready to let go of control??? Ha…).

    Something has to change next year or I’m ready to just walk away to preserve health, sanity, creativity, and relationships. Perhaps that’s the upcoming sacrifice, though I’d like to see my business take a healthier form, rather than run away. I’m seeing potential in two new contractors I have, although it’s extra work to train them and still run the business. I feel there’s a gap now between being the person who does ALL the work and the person who provides opportunities for others, still provides great work for clients, and moves into a strategic role. If I can figure out how to become that bigger person…well, it’d be delicious.

    I love, love, love that you’re taking a sabbatical. As mentioned, it’s incredibly inspiring and freeing to hear of someone else doing it. Thank you.

    • barbara stanny

      Dearest Melissa, I wish you’d read the “EMyth” by M. Gerber. If you want to build a profitable business, you can NOT do it all yourself. Believe me I tried. Please get help…I’ve never interviewed a successful woman, a high earner, who ran solo.

      I so appreciate your supportive comments. I want to support you too…quality of life is critical!

  • Kim

    I have recently decided to make a change in my career and will be taking over my dad’s business in the next few years. It was a tough decision to make but I feel it is the right thing for me to do at this point in my life. People have questioned me on my decision which is tough but I also know I have to do this for myself.

    • barbara stanny

      People will ALWAYS question any changes you make. But I learned a long time ago…you can make decisions based on other people’s concerns…or you’ll never be happy. I applaud you on your courage…and your integrity in doing what’s right for you, despite what anyone thinks. Congratulations, Kim!

  • Lisa Manyoky

    Hi, Barbara….Several years ago, I asked you what to do when you’re chomping at the bit to have the professional impact you’re born to have, but need to keep it in check while raising 3 kids solo. Your answer? KEEP CHOMPING! Well, a few months ago, my youngest left for college. Now, it’s Lisa-Time.

    While raising my children, I kept my professional wings clipped to some degree since parenting was my greatest priority. I did not travel much, worked alone, and sustained certain but less-than-ideal income sources. I am proud of the results—all three of my kids are flourishing. Two of three graduate next year, so only one more year of triple tuitions. Woohoo!

    Your advice stayed with me. Many times over the years, I heard you say: KEEP CHOMPING! I did. Now, since the nest is more quiet, I have turned attention toward my pursuits. However, I am not filling up space with any ol’ activity to “silence the quiet.” I let the quietness speak and am in the process of eliminating whatever runs interference with my goals. My choices are deliberate and I am committed to strong impact, wide reach and affluence.

    Thank you for your wisdom, and my best as you explore.

    • barbara stanny

      Oh Lisa…I absolutely love your comments. Congratulations on being such a good mama, raising wonderful kids, and doing what you needed to do to send them to college, while continuing to chomp. I give you soooooo much credit. Let me know what you decide to do…whatever it is, I suspect you’ll be a huge success!!! Thanks for writing!!!

  • Tami

    After 10 years of building the business that o believed was the culmination of my life’s work,touring,making more money than I ever believed possible. I took a drastic right turn to help my daughter design and build a culinary empires foundation. Challenging beyond my wildest dreams it has pushed me out of my comfort zone so far, I can’t look back. I have kearned so much about myself , my abilities, gifts and weaknesses,it was worth every moment. I also was able to teach my daughter what failure and overwhelming challenge looks like, while we kept helping each other up and cheering each other on to the finish line, I must now set her free to step fully into her own brilliance and know, she will be amazing. Thank you for believing in me, for seeing the greatness of who I am, when I could not. Whatever you do, love will prevail. Xoxo

    • barbara stanny

      Wow, Tami! That’s quite a story. I remember when your daughter was working in California, at an upscale hotel and loving it. You were so proud of her. Now, with your help, she’s launched her own thing. These sharp right turns can be terrific but they can also take toll. Sounds like yours was both!

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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