What’s Emotion Got to Do With It? Everything!!!

I call it the Secret Shame of Successful Women. And I see it all the time. Bright, sophisticated professionals, making ample incomes, who have little (if anything) to show for it.

Their problem isn’t lack of money. That’s merely a symptom. The real problem is that money is a far more emotional subject than the financial industry recognizes…which does a huge disservice to women.

After decades in this business, I’m convinced that the major reason smart, capable women struggle financially is because of Unresolved Emotions. Emotions such as fear, grief, anger and shame, incurred during their lifetime or passed down from earlier generations.

Think about it. What better way to keep painful feelings at bay than by unconsciously creating financial turmoil—forgetting to pay bills, splurging on gifts, maxing out credit cards.

But—and here’s the real culprit—bottling up feelings actually intensifies anxiety and solidifies undesirable patterns.

In his book, The Brain: The Story of You, David Eagleman wrote about an experiment where participants watched a sad movie. Half were told to respond normally. The other half were told to suppress their emotions.

Afterward, they were all given a hand exerciser and told to squeeze it as long and hard as they could. Those who suppressed their emotions gave up sooner. The reason: emotional repression is exhausting, draining our energy for other things.

If you feel stuck financially, perhaps it’s time to ferret out any buried emotions brewing below your awareness. It may help to journal, talk to a friend or get counseling.

I’d love to support you with my signature approach to financial therapy. (Learn More)

One thing I know for sure: Identifying and releasing those pent-up emotions could very well be your ticket to lasting financial freedom.

Here’s a question that will help you begin to dig up those buried emotions—What are your earliest memories of money? Journal about this and share your insights below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Lisa

    My earliest memories of money were in the 1st and 2nd grade when I was 6 and 7 years of age.

    I promised a few of my friends I would buy them an ice block from the school canteen. We ran lightening fast to the canteen. The lady at the canteen told me I only had enough coins to buy one. My friend Richard punched me in the stomach. I discovered I couldn’t budget! Saying you’re going to buy someone something means absolutely nothing unless you actually can!

    During the 2nd grade, a bank manager came to our class to talk about savings and it changed my life. Sitting in front of him on the floor, I decided I was going to save to buy a BMW cabriolet.

    First I asked my dad for a bank account while he was shaving and he said “no that’s not for little girls”, then I asked my mom. To my surprise she said “that’s a fantastic idea”! I thought she was going to say “gee, I don’t know about that, I think you should ask your father”.

  • Debbie

    My earliest memories of money were always hearing “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and “What do you think we are? Rich?” My parents worked hard and life seemed like a constant struggle for them. It felt like we were constantly facing obstacles and could never afford good things.

    It’s not surprising that I have grown up to be self-confident, independent and saved money all my life. For decades I have lived in a scarcity mindset. This question posed to me/us really makes me think that I would never have earned the income, have the beautiful things in my life nor appreciate the value on money if it wasn’t for those earliest memories. Thank goodness money wasn’t just available for me whenever I wanted it or needed it.

    I am grateful for the support that is out there, like Barbara, to reshape our thinking and capitalize on our value and worth to increase our earning potential.

    Change the meaning of those experiences will change our future!

  • Lisa

    Thanks for sharing, Debbie.

    I’m not sure if having everything you want all the time is healthy.

    Lots of parents tell their children “money doesn’t grow on trees”, I would prefer to teach them “money grows slowly in bank accounts and investments”.

    A few years ago I heard my friend snap to her 3 year old “we can’t have everything we want”. I prefer to “rewire” it to “we have a lot of nice thing we want, but occasionally we can’t have everything”.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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