What Will Your Legacy Be?

I once saw a poster that made a lasting impact. On it was written: Will it matter that I was?

I recognized, in that instant, that I was on earth for a reason. I hadn’t a clue what it was, but I was hell-bent on finding it.

Every one of us leaves a legacy, but in my experience, surprisingly few reflect on what they want theirs to be. Yet, it’s an important point for us all to ponder.

I remember reading an article by a hospice physician about how many of her patients were “deeply disturbed” because they hadn’t “contributed anything significant to life.”

She had a profound realization: “It is far better to contemplate the meaning of life when we actually have some time left to work on the question.”

If you haven’t already, now is the time to contemplate your legacy. How? Ask yourself ‘What do I want my obituary to say?’

You’ve heard of Alfred Nobel who created the Nobel Peace Prize, right? But did you know he was the inventor of dynamite and made his fortune manufacturing weapons of war? In 1888 when his brother died, newspapers published Alfred’s obituary by mistake.

“The merchant of death is dead,” the obituary stated. “Dr. Alfred Nobel became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before.”

Aghast at the thought this would be his lasting legacy, he bequeathed almost his entire estate to establish the Nobel Prize.

“By asking ourselves how we want to be remembered,” explain authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner in their book A Leader’s Legacy, “we plant the seeds for living our lives as if we matter.”

When you live your life as if you matter, the size or scope of your impact is irrelevant.

Your legacy need not light up the sky. It need leave only the slightest footprint in the sand.

All that matters is that your legacy makes you proud, brings you pleasure and inspires or uplifts another.

I’d love to hear about the legacy you wish to leave. Tell me about it in the comments below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Barbara Simon

    Had an hour long Zoom conversation with a previous singing student (Junior in BFA Musical Theater Program), checking in to tell me all about her life at college. She was so excited to tell me what she was learning, and how her lessons with me prepared her for it. She wants to put an endorsement on my website, and talk about how her dad picked me for her teacher because of my logo (a compass) and tagline “helping singers find their way.” That was what he wanted for her, and they both felt that was what the lessons delivered. I’m always moved by how many of my students say my singing lessons changed the direction of their life, and that one hour lesson was their favorite hour of the week. http://www.bjsimon.com

    • barbara huson

      How wonderful Barbara! What a magnificent legacy you are leaving! Thanks for sharing this with me…you are such a blessing to so many!

  • Bernadette

    My legacy at the moment:

    “She came on the wind but she left beauty in her wake”

    Of course this will change as life does and I am in a huge time of transformation, but the essence of my work (Design – Art = Creating Beauty & Astro = a spiritual guide (never owned that one at least not yet) creating beautiful serene and unusual environments with a Feng Shui eye while helping clients to find that beauty within themselves is my work in the world with my Libra Rising and Leo Sun /+++ 🙂

    • barbara huson

      Bernadette, I LOVE the work you do…and I also love how you write. I must’ve reread this 10 times: “She came on the wind but she left beauty in her wake”….such a powerful image. Thank you so much for commenting…I’d love to hear more about your time of huge transformation!

  • Suzy

    Dear Barbara
    thank you for your perennial newsletter filled with new ways of thinking and profound practical wisdom. It helps me no end!

    My new found legacy is writing. Ive been in the Australian film and tv industry in many different capacities for my whole career and finally after accepting who I really am, and what my soul wants to express, ive finally “allowed” myself to write. It was always there right from a kid, it always was easy to do and gave me much pleasure and provoked my own awe at what spilled out of me.
    Now Im in my 60’s and finally I’m embracing it and myself in ways that really feel aligned with divine plan.
    thank yo for helping me
    much love Suzy

    • barbara huson

      Suzy, reading your post warmed my heart. There’s no greater joy than coming home to who you truly are, doing what you’re meant to do. And it’s NEVER, EVER too late. And thank you for your kind words…I deeply appreciate knowing you’ve found my words helpful (which, as a fellow writer, I’m sure you understand!)

  • Suzy

    Dear Barbara
    thank you for your perennial newsletter filled with new ways of thinking and profound practical wisdom. It helps me no end!

    My new found legacy is writing. Ive been in the Australian film and tv industry in many different capacities for my whole career and finally after accepting who I really am, and what my soul wants to express, ive finally “allowed” myself to write.

    It was always there right from a kid, it always was easy to do and gave me much pleasure and provoked my own awe at what spilled out of me.
    Now Im in my 60’s and finally I’m embracing it and myself in ways that really feel aligned with divine plan.

    thank you for helping me
    much love Suzy

  • Lynda

    The legacy I wish to leave is simple. I wish to be remembered for my kindness, nothing more. I’ve been called a “Professional Volunteer” because I have lived my life sharing my time, talent and treasures whenever and wherever I can. My purpose is to enhance the lives of others. That’s how I make a difference in the world – always leaving the situation better than it was before.

    • barbara huson

      Lynda, your legacy may be ‘simple’ but it is magnificent! You have truly lived a full life…and I can only imagine how many people have been touched by your generous soul. Thank you so much for sharing this…I was deeply touched!

  • Eva

    My legacy: elevate others by touching their hearts with beauty (I an inspirational songwriter and singer)

  • Julie Bruns

    I want my legacy to be that people remember and leave any experience with me, feeling inspired and encouraged by me, my words, and my energy. I want people to know that they matter, and their lives are meant to be happy, peaceful, and content. They can have this experience every day, because they create the life they want.
    I will talk about this and show people it’s possible, for the rest of my life!

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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