The Motivating Power of Divine Connection

Well, I’ll be darned. An article in The Wall Street Journal declared faith is the key to phenomenal success

A slew of pop singers, pro athletes, and movie stars told a reporter that while talent is important, the “motivating power of divine conviction” is what stacked the odds in their favor.

“Believing that God wants you to be famous,” claimed the article, “actually improves your chance of being famous.”

On the flip side, the reporter explained, “many equally talented but slightly less famous musicians I interviewed felt their success was accidental or undeserved—and soon after fell out of the limelight.”

This “faith gap,” he says, “is often what sets the merely famous apart from the ridiculously famous. It can make the difference between achieving what’s possible and accomplishing what seems impossible.”

This makes perfect sense. Those with a Divine sense of mission–who believe their marching orders come from a Higher Authority–possess a fire in their belly that makes them unstoppable.

What about you? Do you believe you are Divinely guided, that you are meant to succeed? Leave me a comment below.

Filed under: Spirituality , Success

Comments & Feedback

  • Karen Bemmes

    This is honestly part of why I joined Wealth Connection. I lack the faith this article talks about. I like what I do, and I know I’m good at it, but that deep conviction is lacking, and it definitely shows in my bottom line. I have it in other areas of my life but not here, and I wish I had read this before the office hours yesterday.

  • Lisa

    I am not sure if I am always divinely guided, but I am sure I am meant to have money! It was something that was conditioned in me since I was young! Not in a vulgar way, like walking out of Christian Dior with bags and bags purchases, but my parents expected me to own my home and not to grovel to charities to provide me with food and clothes. My parents weren’t the most religious people, but they helped friends who were down on their luck sometimes.

    When it comes to being divinely guided, it doesn’t matter if I make money or not. It’s usually something that physically feels above my head and it’s usually discreet. I don’t expect any recognition, however good karma sometimes finds its way and it helps to have money so I can help out others.

    As for rich and famous people, I grew up as the daughter of record executive for a major record label. Having a brilliant business manager is the difference between earning $500 a week singing in a club, to earning a multi- million dollar record deal.

  • barbara huson

    I love hearing your perspective on how you were conditioned to have money…and to use it to help others. That’s lovely and fortunate. I also had a good laugh when you said the difference between earning a pittance and mega success is a brilliant manager!!! I wonder where (or if) faith fits in with that? Thanks so much for sharing.

  • Lisa


    From what I’ve heard, a lot of famous artists view meeting their business manager as a defining part of their career. Destiny, so to speak. Some think of it as good luck. Some have been bankrupted by their manager. When I met Prince backstage at a meet-and-greet, he spent most of the night talking to his accountant. He was no fool and took him everywhere he went.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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