The 3 Questions—For Anyone Facing a Perplexing Challenge

Recently, I stumbled on an unfamiliar book title, A Course of Love. It got my attention since it’s billed as a sequel to A Course in Miracles.

I was intrigued enough to click a link that promised to send me a chapter.

I haven’t read the book, so I can’t offer my opinion on the entire manuscript. But the chapter they sent had me sit up and take notice.

In the chapter were 3 questions that were so profound, I wanted to share them with you, especially if you’re facing a perplexing challenge.

 These questions could be asked in situations as commonplace as balancing the checkbook, the chapter explained, or as momentous as a doctor’s diagnosis of a disease.

In other words, ask yourself these questions anytime you’re overwhelmed, anxious, confused, or even mildly puzzled. 

Here are the 3 questions:

1. What might this situation look like if I forgot everything I have previously known about similar situations, and looked at this in a new way?

2. Do I really need to worry about this situation, or can I affect this situation simply by not worrying about it and allowing it to be and unfold as it will?

3. While I realize that the facts would tell me this or that is true, I wonder what would happen if I disregarded the facts and was open to this being something else?

I happen to be facing a big personal challenge, so I thought I’d give these questions a shot. At first, I struggled. Try as I might, I couldn’t view my predicament differently or stop worrying about it or disregard the obvious facts.

But I kept asking, over and over again.

Then something happened. My rational brain, the part run by ego, calmed down, grew quieter, stopped trying to figure it all out. As I relaxed, the worry faded. The troublesome facts began to feel irrelevant.

As I surrendered, new questions emerged. What if I didn’t need to figure everything out? What if I just surrendered and allowed the universe to take charge? I breathed a sigh of relief.

One of the major benefits of questions such as these, the chapter declared, is that they can circumvent the usual thinking you would apply to these situations [and] leave the way open for revelation.

My challenge remains, but the fear’s gone. I’m trusting the process. And that, in itself, is a huge revelation!

I’d love to hear your experience with these questions. Leave me a comment below.

Comments & Feedback


    I LOVE this! Thank you so much for sharing – this was so timely for me as well! I am facing some “stuff” and these are exactly what I needed at the moment I needed it!

    • barbara huson

      I’m so happy to hear that, Jennifer! I love when that happens to me…something shows up just when I need it. Hope it helps with your “stuff!”

  • Amna

    Love this so much! Sharing it with some friends now 💛

  • Lisa

    Question number two helped me. I found myself watching my phone a lot to see if a client had responded back about a project. As they say, a watched phone never rings! Went for a walk, had lunch, then got a Korean body scrub instead. During my scrub, they left a message!

    This tied into one of my values, to sometimes give into the mystery of life and trust timing and fate in the universe.

    • barbara huson

      Oh I LOVE this, Lisa!! I love how you surrendered to the mystery and trusted the Universe’s timing. That was so helpful for ME to hear!!!! Thank you!

  • There’s a Haenn

    I love question #3. We in our conscious mind identify the facts. Being open to letting our unconscious mind go to work will open other pathways to help us. Thank you Barbara for offering this thought-provoking post.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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