Becoming a Woman of Influence

At last. We have cause to celebrate. A major shift has been occurring in women’s relationship with money since the 2008 financial crisis.

As a result of that crisis—according to an Allianz Study, Women, Wealth, and Power—a new demographic is emerging, Women of Influence. These women aren’t necessarily high earners, or even gainfully employed, though many are.

What sets them apart is that they’re financially knowledgeable, Allianz reports, “more confident in their ability to spend, save, invest wisely than the average woman,”

And these Women of Influence are becoming global change makers, claiming their power, owning their greatness.

I see it as inevitable. Once a woman becomes financially secure, her motivation shifts from making more money to making her mark.

She starts looking for opportunities to gain more influence and give back to otherin ways that fill her with meaning and pleasure, while at the same time imbuing her joy, fulfillment and meaning.

These Women of Influence offer our greatest hope for healing the planet. I believe, because you’re reading this, you are meant to be one of these women—if you aren’t already.

As a Woman of Influence, you are in the best possible position to leave a meaningful legacy. And, in the end, isn’t that what life is all about? Not just how you live, but what you leave behind?

Stay tuned. Next week, we’ll look at finding the legacy you wish to leave. If you know what kind of a legacy you want to leave, share in the comments below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Lori Hurst

    I have a three daughters and a granddaughter. I want to empower them as women and global contributors and live robust gratifying lives.

  • rahatjan

    Bikelanes for families enjoy commuting together in less polluted world experiencing nature, slow to medium pace and not losing lives to car crashes.

  • Julie Bruns

    I’ve been on a journey to figure out where I want to influence more, and give back after the hard earned lessons and wisdom I’ve gained. It’s a pleasure to think about the impact I can make, and the people I can empower. I will continue to grow and evolve in all ways, because I love learning, but my money mindset journey has been some of the hardest and most life-changing work I’ve ever done. And your books have been an integral part of my new found freedom around what wealth truly means.

    Thank you for continuing to empower women to be and feel wealthy in all areas of their lives!

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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