Always Say Yes!

Just say yesWhether it’s to your heart’s desire or your boss’s request.

So what if you don’t know what you’re doing.

The quickest way to become a High Earner is not to wait until all bases are covered or for opportunities to fall at your feet, but to go out and consciously seek them.

There’s only one way to reach those higher levels—you go as far as you can with all thayou’ve got, and when you fall down, you pick yourself up and keep right on going.

It’s what I call the High Earners Slogan. I heard it all the time in my interviews with successful women. “If it’s not illegal or immoral, I just say yes!”

Even if they didn’t succeed, they always got back up and either persisted or learned the lesson and made necessary corrections.

The resilience to bounce back from defeat and disappointment is what distinguishes a stellar success from the run of the mill.

What have you avoided saying “yes” to because you weren’t ready yet? Tell me in the comments below.

Comments & Feedback

  • Alison vanZandbergen

    There is no coincidence that my Essential Emotions breakthrough process led me to your emails so I could investigate more as to if you have a program that I could be actively engaged in with other people to facilitate the healing of toxic-shame. Here I am…I love what you’ve shared, it’s true, and it’s also true that I feel that I could use your support to progress!

    Can you please tell me what you FEEL would be best for me to start with you next?

  • Lisa

    I am purposely saying “no” to a lot of things right now – in a graceful, sweet, respectful way of course. There is nothing worse than someone who is new to setting boundaries who tells you “NO, I will NOT do that” with a really aggressive tone, delivered with a boat load of attitude!

    Instead, I want to say “yes” to some family who I haven’t been ready to talk to for over a decade and responding to messages from my Grandmother’s friends and extended family who have lost her. It would have been her 97th b’day next week – I want to celebrate that and I want to knock out some goals before winding down for Xmas.

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Meet Barbara Huson

When a devastating financial crisis rocked her world, Barbara Huson knew she had to get smart about money… and she did. Now, she wants to empower every women to take charge of their money and take charge of their lives! She’s doing just that with her best-selling books, life changing retreats and private financial coaching.

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